Registration escs

Anton Crayon

Last Update 9 maanden geleden

To use the ESCS platform, you must register by entering your email, username, and password details. If the game supports fast registration, you can use the following options:

Login/Register - registration of an account in escs, you can use the created account in any game or service that is connected to escs.

Login with game account - in this case, if you are logged into the game THIS IS THE RECOMMENDED easy way to create an escs account, your username and email will be automatically transferred to escs and an account will be created on the basis of them in the escs platform, the password will be immediately sent to your email from game, username and sent password can be used to enter escs for example from another game.

Link profile to existing game account - in this case, you can link your account from the game with the previously created escs account, after linking the account from the game to the escs account, if necessary, you can quickly log in to escs using the login with game account button

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